How to Add a Banner in
Magento Order Emails

Category: Magento
  1. 1

    Upload your banner to your Magento or CDN.

  2. 2

    Link the URL of the banner in HTML. For example,

    <img src="" alt="Banner">
  3. 3

    Locate where you want to place the banner and add the HTML you created in step 2.

    Note: every email contains the header.html and footer.html files. Alternatively, you can add the banner to a specific email only—for example, order_new.html.

    How to Add a Banner in Magento Order Emails
    How to Add a Banner in Magento Order Emails
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
            <td align="left" valign="top">
                <img src="" alt="Banner">
  4. 4

    Upload the changed file via FTP to overwrite the old files.


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